For the Engagement/pre-qualification of Vendors to provide services to Damien Foundation in the next one year (Year 2025)


Issuance Date:  November 25th, 2024


Due Date and Time for Submission of Prequalification:  December 20th, 2024, 5:00pm GMT


DAMIEN FOUNDATION (DF) is a non-profit humanitarian medical organization affiliated with Damien Foundation Belgium (DFB) and is assisting the Federal Government of Nigeria with the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) in Oyo, Osun, Ondo, Ogun, and Lagos States respectively.


As a Sub Recipient (SR) to the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria under Global Fund Grant, ‘‘Nigeria TB/HIV Reach Impact Grant Project’’ (GF N-THRIP), DFB has been vested with the responsibility of implementing Active TB case finding and HIV Testing Services (HTS) component of the Global Fund grant in the aforementioned States. In view of this, DFB requires vendors to provide services as detailed in the table below:


Interested vendors having any questions relating to this Prequalification of Vendors (PV) should contact the  procurement1@dfbnigeria.org.ng no later than Seven (7) business days prior to the due date and time of submissions of interest.

NOTE: No telephone conversation will be entertained for any enquiry.


The Procurement Team of DFB will respond to questions it receives prior to the due date for the submission of the Prequalification.


Submission of Expression of Interest


i.   All required documents must be submitted via the e-mail below on or before the due date and time: Procurement2021@dfbnigeria.org.ng


Late prequalification will not be considered or accepted.




LOT 1 – Hotel Services


-        Provide Hotel Accommodation, Hall, Tea Break and Lunch for participants during Trainings and Meetings for the grant on request.


LOT 2 – Catering Services

-        Provide Tea Break and Lunch for participants during Trainings and Meetings for the grant on request.

-        Provision of catering and eating utensils.

-        Timely provision of hygienic meals at pre-informed or emergency notification of catering activities.


LOT 3 – Office Stationeries & Consumables

-        To supply stationeries and office consumables for grant activities on request.

-        To Supply Printer inks and cartridges for grant activities on request.


LOT 4 - Automobile Engineers

-        To service and maintain Project Vehicles (Hilux, Sienna, Corolla)

-        To service and maintain Motorbikes (200cc) using MVAA approved spare parts.


LOT 5 - Cleaning Materials and consumables

-    Supply of cleaning materials and consumables for grant activities on request.


LOT 6 – Recharge Cards

-    To supply recharges cards for staff and field workers on monthly basis.

-    Occasionally, vendor may be required to supply cards via transfer (VTU, top-up or other online services).  Printout report will be needed.


LOT 7 – Internet Services

-    To provide uninterrupted internet services to DFB for monthly subscription.


LOT 8 – Software Developer

-    To maintain DFB’s Website and E-mail facilities

-    To develop various Apps on request for DFB.

-    To maintain the existing Sputum Transportation Dashboard.


LOT 9 – Office Equipment Maintenance (Computer, Photocopy Machine, Printers, Intercom etc)

-    To carryout routine servicing of Office Equipment

-    To purchase identified Office Equipment Consumables on behalf of DFB.

(Please specify your area of specialization in your EOI submission)


LOT 10 – Health – Drugs & Consumables

-    To supply all health-related Consumables for the organisation (Ancillary Drugs, PPE, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves, etc)


LOT 11 – Plumbing

-    To Provide repairs to plumbing issues in the office

-    To purchase plumbing materials on behalf of DFB


LOT 12 – Printers (Lithographers)

-    To print office Documents including literatures

-    To print R&R Tools for Grants

-    Printing of stationeries when required.

-    Printing of souvenirs when required


LOT 13 – Electrical works

-    To provide routine electrical services and maintenance.

-    To purchase electrical materials on behalf of DFB.


LOT 14 – Insurance

-    To provide insurance service for DFB’s Assets (Property, Plant & Equipment; Motor vehicle & Motor Bikes; Building; Furniture & Fittings)

-    To provide Group Life Assurance for Staff, and other ad-hoc Staff

(Vendors to state different classes of Services readily available in their organization)


LOT 15 – Air conditioner Repairs

-    To carry out routine services on office air-conditioners

-    To purchase items for repairs and maintenance of office air-conditioner.


LOT 16 – Generators Repairs

-    To carry out routine services on office generators.

-    To purchase items for repairs and maintenance of office generators.


LOT 17 – Laboratory Services

-    To provide laboratory investigation services

-    To provide Audiometry services

-    To provide Chest X-Ray Services

(Vendors to state different classes of Services readily available in their organization)


LOT 18 – Travel Agency

-        To provide booking reservations

-        To provide hotel reservation

-        Inform the organisation of passport and visa requirements

-        Rates of currency exchange and import duties





·       Evidence of registration with Corporate Affair Commission (CAC) including CAC form C02 and C07 as applicable.

·       Company’s Profile

·       Tax Identification Number

·       Verifiable documentary evidence of execution of at least 3 similar contracts in the past

·       Availability of Training Facility Complimentary – Internet, Projector, Air conditioner, etc. for the Hotels

·       Please note that payment may be made on completion of services.



Delivery Location for the Products:


The location delivery of products/services will be dependent on the venue for the activities within the coverage areas of the grant as indicated in the background above.



Prices shall be stated in Naira (N).



The Expression of Interest, as well as all correspondence and documents therein, shall be in English.


Due Date and Time for Submission of Expression of Interest

·       Prequalification documents must be received by DFB no later than the due date and time as shown above

·       Any document received by DFB after the due date and time for submission will be rejected.


Evaluation of Prequalification:

EOI will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

·       Overall responsiveness of the prequalification

·       Vendor’s Specialty in product/services

·       Financial Credibility

·       Positive feedback on reference check



Information submitted in response to this EOI will be held in a strict confidence.



Note the DFB is exempted from VAT and TAX LIABILITY in all its grants transactions with third parties, hence vendors should bear in mind that at any time request is made by DFB, VAT should not be included. However, 2% withholding will be deducted and remitted to relevant Government Agencies on any contract awarded.




Application Deadline: Dec. 20, 2024

Published: Nov. 25, 2024

The application deadline has passed.